We offer a high calibre of equipment related services, all our work is guaranteed and complies with industry standards.
Equipment Rentals
You rely on equipment and technology every day to operate and grow your business. The value of those products comes from using them not owning them. Leasing/Rental offers numerous advantages over payment methods.
Car Lift Installations
Simply installing car lifts is dangerous, there are legal guide lines and liability. Should the lift drop a car or fall over there is liability. Using a reputable installer will keep you safe and cover you from installation liability. You also need to train your operators in daily use as a legal requirement.
Equipment Servicing
Every user of a lifting machine shall at all times keep on his premises a register in which he shall record or cause to be recorded full particulars of any performance test and examination prescribed by sub-regulations (5) and (6) and any modification or repair to the lifting machine, and shall ensure that the register is available on request for inspection by an inspector.
Service Plans
We offer comprehensive service plans and extended warranties. This is a great option for our rental equipment. Keep the hassle out of the service and let us worry about details.
Workshop Installations
We professionally fit shops from the ground up. Things like, airline systems, Compressors and complete oil management systems with pump rooms. We are not limited to car lifts, we offer a complete installation service.

Equipment Repairs
Equipment repairs are sometimes feasible to carry out. Dependent the age of the equipment and part availability, we offer this service. We will always work with the safety of your equipment in mind and do our best to keep your equipment running at a professional level.
Technical Training
Using equipment to its full potential is key to getting the most out of your investment and will help you earn the most out of the equipment. We feel technical and earning training is essential, we are well versed in both.
Floor Planning
Moving cars all day long can cost you hours of work over a month. The importance of floor planning is often overlooked and mistakes are made that effect the flow of work and space, that can hugely impact your workshop environment. Flow of work is important and expansion is key. We are able to make the most of your space and have insight into best floor practices.
Lubrication Management Systems
Oil can be messy business and cause your workshop to be unsightly and dangerous. There is also a huge cost to this liquid gold and businesses can accrue major losses due to there being very little way to completely monitor use without a system in place. Our oil management systems deliver specified quantities of oil from bulk tanks to dispensing points, while recording accurate records of all transactions providing protection against unauthorized dispensing.
Load Testing
The user shall cause the whole installation and all working parts of every lifting machine to be thoroughly examined and subjected to a performance test, as prescribed by the standard to which the lifting machine was manufactured, by a person who has knowledge of the erection and maintenance of the type of lifting machine involved or similar machinery and who shall determine the serviceability of the structures, ropes, machinery and safety devices, before they are put into use following every time they are dismantled and re-erected, and thereafter at intervals not exceeding 12 months